Course Overview

    1. Facilitator Guide

    2. SPED Printable Public and Private

    3. SPED Printable Anatomy Male

    4. SPED Printable Anatomy Female

    5. SPED Printable Consent

    1. Welcome

    1. Lesson Preview

    2. What Will We Learn About?

    3. Private Places and Body Parts

    4. What Will We Learn About?

    5. Public Places

    6. Public and Private: Assessment

    7. Wrap Up

    1. Lesson Preview

    2. What Will We Learn About?

    3. Male Body Parts: Butt and Chest

    4. Male Body Parts: Penis Functions

    5. Male Body Parts: Sperm

    6. External (Male) Anatomy Assessment

    7. External (Male) Anatomy: Wrap up

    1. Lesson Preview

    2. What Will We Learn About?

    3. Female Body Parts: Butt, Breast, Vulva

    4. Female Body Parts: Vulva and Vagina

    5. Female Body Parts: Uterus, Ovaries and Uterus Tubes

    6. Female Body Parts: Periods and Pregnancy

    7. Internal Anatomy (Female) Assessment

    8. Internal (Female) Anatomy: Wrap up

    1. Lesson Preview

    2. Consent: Consent and Touch

    3. (Types of Touch)

    4. Intro: Safe, Unsafe, and Unwanted Touch

    5. Consent: Safe, Unsafe, and Unwanted Touch

    6. Consent: Reminder - Your Whole Body Belongs To You

    7. Consent: Family and Friends

    8. Consent: Who Decides?

    9. Consent: Intro To Saying No and Getting Help

    10. Consent: Saying No and Getting Help

    11. Consent Assesment

    12. Consent: Wrap Up

About this course

  • 2 Hours of Guided Instruction
  • Implementation Guidance
  • CHYA Aligned

Course Objectives

Sex ed is a lifelong journey. Through participation in PPMM SPED Sex Ed Lessons, students gain access to developmentally and age-appropriate information to:

  • Develop healthy attitudes about adolescent growth and development and increase self-determination.

  • Learn about sexual and reproductive anatomy.

  • Protect themselves from unwanted touch, and recognize safe and appropriate touch.

  • Identify and seek out trusted adults to support their health, safety, and continuous learning as they grow and change.

Course Design and Standards Alignment

PPMM SPED Sex Ed Lessons for students with Extensive Support Needs (ESN) were designed in collaboration with special education teachers from our community. The evidence-informed course includes (4) lessons that include best practices from our nearly a decade of experience providing comprehensive sex ed in ESN classrooms. The course includes:

  • Flexible online lessons. One instructor is required to facilitate the course (in a group or 1:1 setting) for students. While facilitating, instructors can pause the e-course to respond to students needs or to support classroom management.  
  • Facilitator Guide. Includes an outline of each lesson, the key concepts and learning objectives, and facilitation suggestions for an ESN classroom (group) or 1:1 setting.  
  • Instructor handouts. Printable materials are included to support instruction, lesson review, assessments, or vocabulary practice, for example.  
  • 24/7 access for a school year. Once enrolled, instructors can access the e-course.

The PPMM SPED Sex Ed 4-lesson series aligns with at least one of the following California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) standards: 

  • 51933(h) Instruction and materials shall provide pupils with knowledge and skills for making and implementing healthy decisions about sexuality, including negotiation and refusal skills to assist pupils in overcoming peer pressure and using effective decision-making skills to avoid high-risk activities. 
  • 51930(b)(5) Provide pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to have healthy, positive, and safe relationships and behaviors.
  • 51930(b)(2) To provide pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family.

Cost and Implementation Agreements 

Through June 30, 2024: There is no fee to implement this course. PPMM has waived to the $10 student seat-licensing fee with the support of grant funding. In exchange for access to the course, it is expected that all instructors will complete the Post-Implementation Survey and meet the following requirements:  

  1. Review the Facilitator Guide prior to beginning instruction. 
  2. Deliver the (4) lessons completely.
  3. If feasible, implement at least one lesson per week until the course is completed by all students (this is a best practice to achieve optimum student outcomes).  


Still have questions or want to review the full course?