Q: How do my students and myself get access to the platform and course?

You will receive two emails after completing the Group Enrollment Form.

Q: Forgot Your Password?

Or you are unable to login with the information you provided at registration?

  1. Try to reset the password. (Check SPAM/Junk Folder for email)
  2. If you do not receive an email with a link to reset, email [email protected] INCLUDE: 1.) User first name, last name 2.) User email address.
  3. You will receive an email with your log in information.

Q: Can't access the website address?

Confirm your school leader/IT department added https://ppmmeducation.thinkific.com to be "safelisted" and/or changed security/firewall settings so students are permitted to access the course.

Q: Student is logged in - but can't see the course ?

  1. Email [email protected]. Include: 1.) student first name, student last name 2.) student email address 3.) school, teacher, class/group/period.
  2. You will receive an email confirming that the student can access their course and has been added to their teacher group.

Q: Content in the course not working?

  1. Check with your school IT that the course website is safelisted.
  2. Try using another browser.
  3. Log out, clear cookies, refresh browser, then log back in.
  4. If those steps don't work complete the Service Disruption Form

Q: Want to check student progress?

For any other issues, please email: [email protected].