What format is the PPMM Sex Ed curricula?

PPMM Sex Ed is offered as (2) asynchronous online e-courses: Middle school and high school Digital Learning Journeys.

How much does each course cost?

$0-10 per student—on a sliding scale. If applicable, PPMM also works with school district contract teams to follow a district’s process for procuring sex education curricula.

How long does each e-course take to complete?

About 3.5 hours. Each school’s teachers assigns when students will access and complete the course—usually over several school periods during a two-week period.

How do students access the e- course?

Upon a school signing up for PPMM Sex Ed, each classroom teacher provides their student group with a specific link to enroll in their group’s (aka classroom) assigned course.

What data do students provide to enroll in their assigned e- course?

For security purposes and progress report tracking for each school’s teachers, each student provides the following required data to enroll in their school-assigned PPMM Sex Ed e-course—custom link for each teacher’s group(s)—on Thinkific platform (PPMM’s learning management system):

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Password (self-created)
  • School Name
  • Teacher Name (who assigned the course)
  • Grade Level
  • City, State (school location)

What kind of equipment do students need to access the e- course?

They can securely participate via all web-enabled (WiFi) devices:

Laptop, tablet, desktop, or mobile phone at their school site or offsite (home, library, etc.)

How do you help ensure students can easily access their assigned e- course?

  • Schools are provided a check list to ensure each classroom is ready to start their e-course and onboarding support from the PPMM Education Services team.
  • After a school completes the enrollment form, and it’s approved by PPMM, it can take up (16) days to provide a school with access to PPMM Sex Ed e-course.
  • Schools must provide their IP address(es) to PPMM Education so their site can be “safe-listed” to prevent students from being “blocked” from accessing PPMM Sex Ed while on campus.
  • School IT contact must also safe-list the website: https://ppmmeducation.thinkific.com/
  • Also schools are required by CHYA to send parents/guardians a sex ed instruction notification (14) days prior to the start of instruction.
  • Schools can contact PPMM during their course start/stop dates for additional assistance.

When can students access the e-course?

  • Once their school assigns them PPMM Sex Ed a group link for their e-course and a start date, students can technically access the e-course 24/7 via all web- enabled devices.
  • Most students access their e-course during assigned classroom time. Students have access to their course until June 30 (end of school year) or per their school’s instructions.

What do students learn?

The California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) required topics for MS/HS:

  • Anatomy
  • SOGIE (Sex, Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression)
  • Relationships
  • Human Trafficking
  • Consent
  • Communication
  • STIs and HIV Prevention
  • Birth Control, Barrier Methods, Pregnancy Prevention/Options 

Topics covered more in-depth for high school:

  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Boundaries & Barrier Method Communication
  • Gender Stereotypes and Media
  • Sexual Assault/Harassment 

Also gain information to:

  • Protect themselves and others from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, and unintended pregnancy.
  • Develop healthy attitudes about adolescent growth and development, body image, gender identity, sexual orientation, and relationships.
  • Understand that sexuality is a normal part of human development.
  • Foster healthy, positive and safe relationships including building communication skills and defining consent.
  • Identify abusive/unlawful acts such as sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and other relationship abuse.
  • Understand people's rights around accessing health care and resources for sexual and reproductive health including HIV/STI testing and treatment, pregnancy prevention, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence.
  • For more information, go to: https://ppmmeducation.thinkific.com/pages/school-info-kit > PPMM CHYA Alignment Documentation for Schools

Does PPMM Sex Ed cover topics beyond those required by CHYA?


 PPMM Sex Ed is designed to align with (9) sets of standards and frameworks, including CHYA. Learn more here:

  • CHYA https://bit.ly/PPMM-CHYA
  • CA. Dept. of Education:  Growth, Development & Sexual Health Standards https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/he/se/
  • National Sexuality Education Standards (2020) https://bit.ly/PPMM-NSES
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Characteristics of Effective Health Education https://bit.ly/PPMM-CDC
  • Social Justice Identity Anchor Standards (Learning for Justice: The Southern Poverty Law Center) https://bit.ly/PPMM-SJIA
  • CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) https://bit.ly/PPMM-CASEL5
  • Profile(s) of Graduate Competencies for school districts such as Oakland Unified, Campbell Unified, Fremont Unified, and others. (e.g. Healthy Decision-Maker, Ethical, Essential Communicator, Self-Directed, (Can) Manage Stress and Emotions, Culturally Humble, Inclusive Leader, Collaborative, Critical Thinker)
  • Common Core State Standards for ELA https://bit.ly/PPMM-CCore
  • Title IX Compliance Categories such as preventing sex-based harassment, sexual assault and/or sexual violence, discriminatory treatment of pregnant and parenting students, discriminatory treatment of LGBTQ+ students, and informing students how to report sexual harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying. https://bit.ly/PPMM-TitleIX

We aim to center the voices and needs of those who are directly impacted by the outcomes of the course design process (Design Justice Network). In addition to designing courses for standards alignment, students, caregiver and parents, teachers, community partners, and subject-matter experts from our affiliate territory are surveyed, interviewed, and engaged as stakeholders via Community Input Reports that serve as a compass throughout the design process.

Y-LED (youth designers) from our 42-county service area in California and Nevada, guide the design of our Digital Learning experiences to make sure they're relevant, inclusive, accessible, and engaging for their peers. Y-LED ensures students feel represented, seen, and respected by PPMM programs. For each animated series in PPMM Sex Ed, Y-LED designers gave input on the look- and-feel and offered their own personal experiences to be fictionalized in each series regarding relationships, body image, puberty, gender identity and expression, sexuality, communication, consent, accessing health care, bullying, harassment, and other topics.

Evidence-informed.  Based on research including: "Three Decades of Research: The Case for Comprehensive Sex Education" https://bit.ly/PPMM-JAH

In alignment with CHYA, PPMM Sex Ed also affirmatively recognizes different sexual orientations and is inclusive of same-sex relationships when providing examples of couples or relationships and is inclusive of students of all races and ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Students also learn about concepts such as self-advocacy, empathy building, and mutual respect skills are explored throughout the e-courses. 

For example, students can:

  • Become inspired to advocate for their (and other people's) rights— especially when it comes autonomy and equity regarding one's sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • Better recognize and report LGBTQ+ targeted or gender-based bullying and harassment (such as those defined by Title 9 of the federal education code).
  • Learn how to make decisions and requests that honor their values and emotional and physical needs, and how they can respect others' needs and boundaries.
  • Reduce stigma around human sexuality and increase their media literacy when it comes to unhealthy or harmful gender, sexuality, or relationship stereotypes.

Is PPMM Sex Ed medically accurate?


Comprehensive sex ed helps youth gain the information, skills, and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex and sexuality throughout their lives. In addition to the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA), PPMM Sex Ed aligns with education and information produced by Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the National Sexuality Education Standards (2020), the CA. Dept. of Education: Growth, Development & Sexual Health Standards, and research such as "Three Decades of Research: The Case for Comprehensive Sex Education."

Does PPMM Sex Ed discuss Planned Parenthood health care services?


  • As the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country, we invest in communities by providing health care and education, and by expanding rights and access.
  • In alignment with CHYA standards requiring that comprehensive sex ed provide "local resources for accessing care and students’ rights to access care," the middle school and high school courses include how to access low- or no-cost confidential health care services, including PPMM services.
  • CHYA also requires comprehensive sex ed for MS/HS to include “information about the effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods in preventing pregnancy, including, but not limited to, emergency contraception. Instruction on pregnancy shall include an objective discussion of all legally available pregnancy outcomes, including, but not limited to, all of the following: Parenting, adoption, and abortion.
  • For more information, go to: https://ppmmeducation.thinkific.com/pages/school-info-kit > PPMM CHYA Alignment Documentation for Schools

How do we register our students?

Complete the Program Inquiry Form to inquire about registering your school(s) in PPMM Sex Ed.